today is my ninth blog so ill say what i was doing all day long while i was writing hi-coos at Faith-Anns house. theyre a kind of pome that Faith-Ann learned about a hundread years ago in like ninth grade but never told me until today when i peaked at her old germal and found one. this is what it says.
I adore Jesus,
alot alot alot yes,
and he loves me too!
so i said whats this Faith-Ann and she said its a pome. and i said its not a pome becuase it doesnt rime or any thing and its too short. and why did you put in that stupid yes when it doesnt mean any thing. who are you saying YES TO??????? and it uses alot THREE times!!!!!! but she said oh its a pome all write. the first line has five sillybles and the second line has seven sillybles and the the thrid line has five sillybles again. you just need to count on your fingers one-two-three, etx. if its right you have wrote a hi-coo. so since she was in ninth grade and this is my ninth blog i thouhgt it was a poperiate so i tried one.
Faith-Ann is my freind
(she is also my CUZZEN)!!!!!!
our MOMS are SISTERS!!!!!!!!!.
that was really easy for me. Faith-Ann tried to count it so it would be wrong but she couldnt. so i wrote another one. it was easy AND sad AND true.
i feel sorry for
athiests because they all
beleive in SATIN!!!!!!
Faith-Ann counted that one and got angry. she told me she had to count for about an hour until she figured out how many times to say alot. how come it is so simpel for ME???????? i said maybe Jesus Christ gave me the special gift to please poeple with my pomes and she said thats stupid youre speling and gramma are at roaches. he could not have chose a worse person for a wrider. so i wrote ANOTHER hi-coo fast. this one was a hi-coo ABOUT hi-coos and it really got Faith-Ann BURNT out of SHAPE!!!!!!!!!
who thinks this is HARD?????
i cant beleive how easy
it is to write pomes.
and then while Faith-Ann was counting, i wrote these.
are writing pomes hard??????
NO!!!!!!! hi-coos are very fun
they are so easy.
the only person
who thinks hi-coos are tricky
is cuzzen Faith-Ann.
ha ha ha ha ha
ha ha ha ha ha ha ha
ha ha ha ha HA!!!!!!!!!!!
she counted every ha about a hundred times. i know she was hopeing i used the wrogn sillybles but i didnt. while she was doing that i wrote these hi-coos about some other pomes i used to know.
in school we studied
robert frost (a BIG poet)
did he write this stuff??????
he wrote about roads
divulging in a forest
and he had to pick.
we also studied
the guy who wrote the raven
edward something pone.
his pome is about
a raven which keeps saying
nope never again.
(i dont think that he
ever wrote any hi-coos
but i could be wrogn)???
i like the guy who
wrote about the dog coming
on little cats feet.
i cant remember
what that cats feet guy’s name is
something like sandwich??????
when i was little
i heard a really good pome
about Paul Revere
listen to this kids.
thats all i can remember.
that was the first line.
there was also one
by alice n. wonderland.
she was the writer
jibberjabber walk.
the name of it made no sense.
and the rest niether.
my faverit poet
was a doctor in reel life.
heres a hint. GRINCHMAS!!!!!!!!!!
i like dr. suess.
hes funny and makes me laugh.
so WHO ELSE does that????????
the 3 stogges
Moe, Larry, Curly and, Shemp.
(but not Shemp so much!!!!!!)
Faith-Ann wrote some pomes
but she doesnt like my blog
so touhg luck for her!!!!!!!!!!!!
when she likes my blog
ill let her put up her pomes.
till then its TOO BAD!!!!!!!!!!
ill let athiests
read my pomes all they want to.
but not yours Faith-Ann!!!!!!
i never wrote pomes
before i tried this today.
im good at it right?
so mabye these pomes
will make athiests beleive
in Jesus and God.
for writing hi-coos
Jesus Christ loves me much more
than CUZZEN FAITH-ANN!!!!!!!!!!!
so thats when Faith-Ann got tiers in her eyes and yelled at me she was starting her period and i better go home becuase she was feeling really cranky.
love and xxx (from me AND Jesus),
Monday, February 25, 2008
what i was doing all day long while i was writing hi-coos at Faith-Anns house
Monday, February 18, 2008
what happened when i was at the grossery store today
sometimes i have to work on Sundays if the boss says so but he knows i go to church in the morning so he never makes me come unless he really wants me to. i dont mind coming but only after i give my love to Jesus Christ earlier. so i had to come today and that was O.k becuase i had Jesus in my heart all ready from chruch. and i felt so good that Jesus was with me that i wanted to spread Him around. He was crossfied for every body not just me so i cant have Him all to my self even if i wanted to which i dont becuase theirs alot of Jesus to go around to at least a hundred thousand million bilion poeple but some chruches beleive much more than that even athiests!!!!!!!
usully when im working if some one comes to my line i say hi and if i know there name i say hi that name (for egg sample, hi Faith-Ann, but only if shes really Faith-Ann). if i dont know there name i say just plain hi and smile. and then i ring the stuff up and ask them LOTS OF QUESTOINS!!!!!!!! do they have any cutepons? and cash, check, or plastick to pay? and then i ask them paper or plastick (a diffrent kind than how they pay) for bags? and poeple all ways answer my questoins becuase im nice and theyre easy. when im done i say have a nice day or if its some body i know mabye i say see you later, Faith-Ann (but only if shes really Faith-Ann).
but today i was feeling so good from chruch and from Jesus and also i was thinking about how funny the 3 stogges are and that all ways makes me feel good even Shemp!!!!!!! so i decided to tell my costumers have a BLESST DAY instead of a nice one. because if its BLESST it doesnt have to be nice.
so first two old ladys came throhg my line and i siad have a BLESST DAY and they patted me on the arm and said you two dear and i siad thanks. then Faith-Ann came just to say hi and to flip throuhg the national enqueer while she waited but not to buy any thing. but she all ways gets gum or a slim jim so i wont get in trubble for talking to her. and i siad have a BLESST DAY Faith-Ann and she said and have a BLESST DAY your self Trinity and we lauhged and then she paid and i forgot and said have a nice day by acident. then a mother came with three little children ALL NOISY and FIHGTING!!!! and she paid and i said have a BLESST DAY and she said yeah i wish and smacked her biggest boy for punching his sisters.
then a mean man came in my line and he bouhgt beer and ciggarrettes and a magazin about sience and i should of knew to keep my mouth closed. but i said have a BLESST DAY and he siad what? and i siad have a BLESST DAY again and he said you have to be KIDDING me right?????? and i said no i really really really wanted him to have a BLESST DAY and so did JESUS CHRIST!!!!!!!!!! and thats when he picked up his bag (paper) and siad i should bad word my self.
but dont worry. just so you know, i definatly WONT!!!!!!!!!!!!!
love and xxx (from me AND Jesus),
Monday, February 11, 2008
what i was argueing about with my cuzzen Faith-Ann on the phone yesterday
so i called Faith-Ann and i said you better go to chruch with out me because im prabobly contrageous and ill give every body what i have and theyl be sick. but Faith-Ann said she bet i just didn’t want to go to chruch becuase ive been spending so much time with athiests all the time and their teaching me SATIN!!!!!!!! and i said thats a lie i dont spend any time with athiests and is it my falt if they READ MY BLOG???????? its a FREE cuntry and every body can read my blog if they WANT im not going to stop them even if i could which i CANT!!!!!!!!!!. And i dont know any thing about SATIN oxcept the good Christian stuff that i hear about him in chruch!!!!!!!
and Faith-Ann said dont i mind that Jesus will miss me at chruch, and that made me feel really gilty. and then she said that Jesus didnt come to Earth to be crossfied just so i could stay in bed on Sunday morning and eat my tricks and watch car tunes. and i promissed i wouldnt watch any thing funny oxcept only news like meat’s the prez and this weak with gorge steppopotamus and what ever is on fox.
then Faith-Ann said i should be a shame of my self and she would be over in fifteen minits and i better be waiting in front of the house or God would be anoid and its not worth getting God anoid just because of some cold. and i said dont you think God will be anoid if i get every body who loves Him sneezzing and couhging and hearing musuc like me? and Faith-Ann said God will cure them dont worry about that miss smarty pants. and I asked how come He didn’t cure me? and Faith-Ann said because i hang around all the time with athiests and i didnt pray hard enouhg. and that was prabobly right because i didnt pray AT ALL becuase i was SLEEPING when i got SICK and i just WOKE UP feeling louzy ALL OF A SODDEN!!!!!!!!!!!
so i got up and got dressed and forced my self to wait in front of the house till Faith-Ann came by and we walked to chruch to gether which isnt far only four blocks unless you have a BAD cold!!!!!!!! and my stommach felt really bad and i hate to say it but i throuhg up in the street. and Faith-Ann said it was digusting and it was just athiest poisin that was coming out. and then i started to yell no its not its just my bad cold but i throuhg up on her instead. unbelevible!!!!!!!!!!
so she said NOW I CANT GO TO CHRUCH!!!!!!!! and i said well dont you think God will be anoid if you dont go. and she said how can i go with YOUR vommit all over me and i said mabye Jesus will CLEAN IT UP if you PRAY HARD ENOUHG and she got mad and ran home. and i walked to my house by my self but didnt have a bad stommach any more even thouhg i was still sneezzing and couhging and my nose was running and my musuc was LOUD. so i got into bed and fell fast a sleep and when i woke up ten ours later i was all better.
so i called Faith-Ann to tell her that Jesus had cured me of my bad cold but she didnt want to talk because she was too busy couhging and sneezzing and head ach and running nose and hearing musuc (hers not mine). and she siad she was sorry for blameing me for athiest poisin mabye it was just a vyris and Jesus doesnt do so good with those they have to run their coarse. and i said thats O.k and she siad she should of let me stay in bed, athiests and Satin or not. and i asked her if she wanted me to bring over my 3 stogges DDV and she siad she better not becuase if she laughed she was affrayed mabye she would throw up too. so i watched it by my self and had a great time (even Shemp!). and today i feel all better and im still lauhging at how Moe knocked every bodys head to gether and also about how Faith-Ann looked with vommit all over her!
love and xxx (from me AND Jesus),
Friday, February 8, 2008
what i was worying about when i couldnt sleep at for a clock a.d. in the morning
i didnt like mitch romny because he belongs to a cult (morons) and he wears magic under pants which makes no sense. why would God make under pants magic when He could just as easy make your shirt and outside pants magic? He could make your shoos or your socks or even your hairdo magic if He wanted. So why UNDER pants??????? it doesnt make any sense even for God. just think about it. God can make ANY THING magic He wants to be magic which He doesnt because magic is from SATIN!!!!!!!!!!! but He could.
now it is just jhon mick cain and Mike Huckabee (yay!). our pastor says that jhon mick cain is not a true Christian and he doesnt care about God and Jesus Christ and the American Contusion and men marring men and women marring women and both of them marring dogs and cats and mabye roosters and sheep and fish and bats and birds and even dynasores for all we know and illegle immigrunts. jhon mick cain doesnt care!!!!! and he has a bus called the stray talk express and what else can you oxpect from some one who’s last name is CAIN, did you relize that? its not like hes jhon mick ABLE which would be better oxcept he might get killed one day in a feeld by some body named CAIN!!!!!!! so he would have to stay away from all sprots so he never went near feelds at all just to play it safe.
so Faith-Ann told me that most poeple on the news say that jhon mick cain is the fun trunner which i have no idea what it is becuase ive never trunned. i dont even know if its really FUN!!!!!!!!!! but i dont think a presedant should be trunning just for fun whatever it is because a presedant shoud be serios. and Mike Huckabee (yay!) is really serios. i heard some guy on TV say that it woud be really serios for the cuntry if Mike Huckabee (yay!) becomes the ripubelicon nonminee. and i agree.
so that sounds good, right? so your prabobly asking your self, why was i worying so much that i coudlnt sleep at for a clock a.d. in the morning. well i just coudnt get those magic UNDER pants out of my mind? and i geuss i must of fell asleep a little becuase i had a dream where raychill ray had Mike Huckabee (yay!) on her show and they were both making jelo souprize with magic UNDER pants IN IT!!!!!!!!! not only that but they were going to bring it to a weeding for two MEN and a chimp pansy!!!!!!!!!! and the 3 stogges were there (not Shemp thank God) and they kept throwing pies at every body and poking Mike Huckabee in the eyes and driveing a bus back and froth. and jhon mick cain began trunning even thouhg i didnt know what it was but it had some thing to do with trampulleens!!!!!!!!!!
and then the worst thing happened. the ripubelicons seemed so silly that Hillery Clinntin became presedant! so thats what woke me up and thats what i was worying about when i couldnt sleep at for a cock a.d. in the morning! if Mike Huckabee (yay!) goes on raychill ray he could start a hole change of events and then lose the presedant. so i was worying hed go on raychill ray. so i hope he just goes on opie instead.
love and xxx (from me AND Jesus),
Tuesday, February 5, 2008
what i was praying to Jesus about while i was squeezzing a pimpel
today is my fifth blog so ill say what i was praying to Jesus about while i was squeezzing a pimpel. i offin have nice quite conversions with Jesus when im taking care of my skin particlearly if im doing some thing that hurts like tweezzing between my eye brows or squeezzing a pimpel. those things are really pain full but it makes it easyer for me to bare if i remember Jesus Christ. so i talk to Jesus and He makes me feel better by telling me, “if you think squeezzing a PIMPEL is bad you shoud of tried hanging on the CROSS!!!!!!!!!!!!”
so i was praying to Jesus today and i started thinking about all the athiests i met recently and how they’r DAMMED and maybe thats not fair if they dont know any better. so i said to Jesus is it fair for athiests to be DAMMED to HELLL????? and He siad yep. (i dont think he actualy said yep he prabobly said yes in a more Bibley way. but i dont rimember what he siad so i wrote yep. in case you dont know, that means yes only freindlier and Jesus is all our freind. in fact, He is our BEST freind!!!!!!).
He said its fair becuase they had their chance and they didn’t take it. so i siad what if they dont know about Christians and he said “are you KIDDING ME?????? who in the hole world doesnt know about CHRISTIANS????? this isnt a 3 stogges comidy!!!!!!!!! sheesh!!!. wer’e the BEST relgion and the BIGGEST relgion and the ONLY relgion thats TRUE!!!!!!!! so athiests know about Me dont kid your self. but they just dont want to beleive in Me becuase they dont have faith in Me AND they hate Me”.
sorry athiests but that made sense to me. so i asked Jesus, so how come athiests hate You. And he siad i dont know ask them im not an athiest. and sorry again athiests but that made sense to me to.
so i asked Jesus how come athiests dont have FAITH????? its obvous to every body You came to Earth to be our savor and was crossfied for our sins and now wer’e ALL saved oxsept mabye just a few dum poeple who arent Christian? and he siad athiests DO have faith. but just NOT IN Him.
and i asked Jesus what he ment? but by then i was finished with my pimpel and He disapeared while i was finding cotten for my puss.
so i called Faith-Ann and i told her that Jesus told me that athiests have faith just not in Him. did she beleive that? and Faith-Ann siad have you been talking to Jesus again? and I siad yep. and she said thats unpossible because poeple sometimes talk to Jesus but he usally doesnt anwser unless when your about to die or your in chruch or you need help desiding on some thing importint like what shoes. and she said "youre stupid athiest freinds arent importint enouhg for Jesus to talk to you." and she also said poeple cant just talk to Jesus any old time and i told her it wasnt any old time it was when i was squeezzing a pimpel and it HURT. and their not that stupid!!!!!! and their not my FREINDS!!!!!!
and then she told me they ARE that stupid becuase they have a stupid faith that theirs NO God. and i asked her to oxplane and she told me look. it cant be proved beyond a shad-O of a dout that theirs NO God right? so I siad of course not because there is. so she said athiests say there’s NO God but they cant prove it right? so i said of course not because there is. so she siad since athiests say theirs NO God and they cant prove it they must have faith that theirs No God!!!!!!!!! so that made sense to me.
so i said it would be like if some body watched a 3 stogges and it was Moe, Larry and Curly and the person said i have faith theres no Shemp!!!!!!! and i would say OF CURSE theres a Shemp hes just not as good. and the person would say well i didnt see Shemp so their must not be a Shemp because i DIDNT SEE HIM so i have faith that theirs no such thing as Shemp!!!!!! so that makes sense to me because of curse theres a Shemp even thouhg you cant all ways see him. luckily because hes not as good.
then Faith-Ann roled her eyes and said its like our knowlidge of the youniverse is not purfect right? i told her "you can say that again!!!!! i cant even find the BIG DIPER unless someone says theirs the big diper and moves my head where it is"!!!!!!!!!!.
so Faith-Ann siad since we dont know about the youniverse you either have faith in God or you have faith in NO God. so that made sense to me too. because you either have faith that theres a Shemp or your wrogn!!!!!!!!!
some days a hole lot of things make sense to me. the only thing that didnt make sense to me today is how come Jesus could stand being scrooged and wearing a crown with throns and having nails put in his hands and being crossfied but he runs away at the sight of a little puss?
love and xxx (from me AND Jesus),